Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm Baaaack!! With Happy News

Sincere apologies for my long absence - I promise that I have not abandoned this blog.  It was mostly due to my missing the USB cable to upload photos from my camera, and also partly due to an increasing anxiety to the day that my bar exam results came out.  But now, I am happy to report several pieces of good news:

    1.   I PASSED THE BAR!!!!!!   It was perhaps one of the most intensely happy moments in my life, and as these things usually go, it was due to the most intense stress and worry that I have ever experienced.  15 minutes after I found out the news, I was immediately in a bar chugging an Irish car-bomb (a pint of Guiness with a shot of 1/2 Bailey's and 1/2 Whiskey dropped in).  1 hour later, I had some tequila and almost 2 Kamikazees, and was ready to explode with... joy. 

Bearing dowry gifts
   2.  I attended Nan (Marco's brother) and Tam's wedding.  It was beautiful, and a great insight into what a Vietnamese wedding ceremony is like.  It was awesome to see all of Marco's relatives again, and meet lots of new ones - 350 attended that wedding!! And... I CAUGHT THE BOUQUET!!!! It was my first time catching this prize, but definitely not for lack of trying the previous three times.  And although I had to snatch it from a little girl, I cannot say that I was ashamed. 

   3.  We are now in Barcelona, embarking on the second leg of our trip.  And it is GLORIOUS!  But before I launch into new stories, please see below a few snap-shots of our past few weeks spent in various parts of this country. 

Playing a round of mini-golf in Chicago

Celebrating mother's day with cards and flowers

Grapefruit salad at Xahn, Mountain view

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